
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Things to Say When The Words Won't Come

Have you ever had a time when you really just didn’t know what to say?  Someone comes to you and pours out their heart and problems.  You want to respond in the correct way, in the way God wants you to respond, but the words just won’t come.

 It happens when we pray too.  Many times, we want to tell God how we feel, what we need, what we want, and what we are worried about,  but the words just won’t come.  Paul tells us in Romans 8:26-28 that the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words, and that God knows and understands what the Spirit is pleading for on our behalf in harmony with God’s will.  I love that! I NEED that!

An effective and powerful tool to use when the words won’t come in prayer or with a friend, is to use God’s word.  Praying God’s word back to Him can relieve stress and burden from you because His word is true and it accomplishes all it sets out to do.

Here are 10 Scriptures to say when your words won’t come.

1.       I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one.- John 17:15
This is a verse that I pray for my children.  Jesus prayed this for His disciples before His arrest, when He knew the time was coming.  Jesus knew that they would need protection from the evil one.  I find it powerful to pray this verse for my teen children as they face the world on a daily basis.

2.        I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those he called- His holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance- Ephesians 1:18
When people begin to doubt God’s goodness, and their importance to Him, this is a great verse to pray.  Change the words a little “I pray that ______’s heart will be flooded with light so that _______ can understand the confident hope You have given to those You have called.”

3.       May He grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed- Psalms 20:4
We all have times when choices have to be made.  Should I take that job?  Where should I live?  Is it time to buy a house? Etc.  Although, it is essential to remain humble in order to please God, He wants us to come to Him with our heart’s desires and let Him know what we want.  This verse can reassure someone or yourself that He really does care and wants us to be happy as we seek God’s will in our lives.

4.       Come close to God, and God will come close to you- James 4:8a
It’s easy to become distracted by the business of life, and put God on the backburner.  Some feel when that happens, that they aren’t worthy of God’s grace, and they don’t know how to get close to Him again.  This passage makes it simple.   That’s what busy people need- simplicity.  If we come close to Him, He will come close to you.  That’s comforting.

5.       Turn us again to yourself, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. Make your face shine down upon us.  Only then will we be saved.- Psalms 80:19
It can be heartbreaking when someone we love turns their back on God.  One mother of a son who proclaims that he no longer believes in God prays this verse in this manner, “ Restore him, Lord God Almighty; make Your face shine on Him, that He may be saved.” 

6.       How can a young person stay pure?  By obeying Your word- Psalms 119:9
Purity is hard to come by.  Whether it’s someone who is young in age, or someone is young in their Christianity, this Scripture can be prayed as encouragement in its simplicity.  Obeying God’s word will keep you pure.

7.       I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him.  Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit- Romans 15:13
When friends come to you and they are depressed about something, they are lacking hope, joy, and peace.  God is the source of hope.  You cannot be depressed and be hopeful.  These words are powerful to hear.  Don’t be afraid to pray it for yourself.  “ I pray that You, the source of hope, will fill me completely with joy and peace because I trust in You.  Help me overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Try it and mean the words, you will see change happen in your life.

8.       Now all glory to God, who is able through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think- Ephesians 3:20
When someone is struggling with confidence or feeling unable to do something, this proclamation that God is working within them can be very encouraging.  He can not only help them succeed at what is before them, but can lead them to even greater things.  This is another verse that can be prayed for our children as they set out in their own lives. “Now all glory to God, You are able through Your mighty power at work within _____ to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think.”

9.       This is my command- be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.- Joshua1:9
God doesn’t want us to be afraid, but it is a common emotion.  Fear of the unknown, fear of the future, fear for a medical report result, fear of confrontation in a relationship.  Remind yourself or a friend when fear sets in, that God is with you wherever you go.  He is there.  Be strong. Be courageous. Look for Him and He will be found.

10.   He does great things too marvelous to understand.  He performs countless miracles- Job 9:10
This passage is one that has brought comfort to many people as they are facing a crisis in their lives.  God still performs miracles.  He does things that we never see on our behalf, and we couldn’t understand them if we did see them.  When fear, exhaustion, and doubt start to set in, pray this verse to God and thank Him for doing these things on our behalf.

You might be asking how to remember these when you need them. 
  • ·         I have a list on my iphone, and when someone asks me to pray for them,  I find the one that speaks to me at that time, and I pray it for them, and then I let them know what the Scripture says. 
  • ·         Make a list on a piece of paper and stick in it your wallet.
  • ·         Highlight or underline in your Bible.

When the words won’t come, use the Word of God and watch the power of it transform a situation.

Do you have Scripture that you pray?  Please share to encourage each other.  

Contributors:  Karen Bromby, Maria Kucharczuk and Kim McClure


  1. Praying scripture is a wise answer because we are praying God's word and will back to Himself for the person, and it reminds us He is in control, not us! A noteworthy list here, Kim!

    1. Thanks Brenda! He promises that it won't return void. If you have others you use, feel free to share.
